Recent Projects
Who Do You Love?
An animation made with love for those that are hesitant
about the COVID-19 vaccines.

How Can I Engage?
COVID-19 has affected everyone, but some more than others. Who Do You Love? was created to offer a moment of reflection as many contemplate whether or not to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Whether to protect you or someone you love, here are some thoughts to consider.
The COVID-19 vaccines show high levels of protection against getting COVID-19, and minimizing its effects on your health.
Taking only 1 of the 2 vaccine doses (if Pfizer or Moderna) and not getting boosters may leave you vulnerable to COVID-19 and its variants.
Just because you are young and healthy does not mean that your health will not be seriously affected by COVID-19, or that you won't impact someone else.
So spread the word. Share "Who Do You Love?" on social media, your own website, with organizations that need additional outreach tools, and most importantly, with the people you love.